Monday, March 27, 2017

Poster Ideas 1

I would much rather have men ask why I have no statue than why I have one.
(μᾶλλον γὰρ,’ ἔφη, ‘βούλομαι ζητεῖσθαι, διὰ τί μου ἀνδριὰς οὐ κεῖται ἢ διὰ τί κεῖται)
- Cato the Elder

I want to have a serious mood.

Friday, March 24, 2017

In this design, I used the color, background, size, font, and texture to show the meaning of the word camouflage. The colors are very muted and complex, and they blend in with the background to show the the word is disgusted. The background provides the means of camouflage, making the word inconspicuous, and the medium size and font make the word less noticeable. The texture of the sand as well helps the word blend in.
In this design, I used the font, background, colors, orientation, and size to convey the meaning of the word active. The font is very curvy and not straightforward, and the background has the patterns and copies of the text to make the whole thing more active. The colors pop and are very obnoxious to make it very active, and the orientation has the letter moving around. The size also puts the word right in your face, adding to the feeling of activity.
In this design, I used shape, color, background, font, and the orientation to make the word look like what it means. The shape is very large to make it more rambunctious, and the colors of the word are red and white to contact with the green background. I made the font very bold and strong, as well as making the orientation spill off the page to give a feeling of loudness.

I made the word textured look like what it means by manipulating its font, color, texture, shape and background. I used the font Chalkduster, which is very textured, and used the color dodge mode to make the colors and texture stand out. I also put the word in an arc to make its texture stand out more, and well as putting a rough texture into the text. Finally, for the background, I used a very textured image and also used the bled tool ad lines to point more so to the word.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Pen Tool Exercise

Screenshot Envy

The theme of my screenshot envy project was dangers to humanity, including Malaria (the first image) and birds of prey (The last image). I image traced and expanded the first image, then zoom in on it and changed the color scheme. Then I used the warp tool to bend and change the image, then erased segments of it. Then I blended the segments, and added the birds.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Book Cover

1. The emphasis in this cover is the people running.
2. This design shows competition in the way that it shows that the rest of the book will be about this concept, using a foot race as an example.

Book Page 4

1. My are of emphasis in this page is the hand clenched into a fist at the bottom.
2. This design relates to my theme in showing that even though people benefit from winning competition, it requires that the other competitors fail, represented by the broken lightbulbs. 

Friday, March 3, 2017

Book Color Scheme

Book Page 2

1. The emphasis in this page is the first figure on the left.
2. This design shows my theme in the way that it represents victors of competitions walking away from others in the name of success.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Book Page 3

1. The emphasis is this piece are the two black and white lines that seperate the two groups of hands.
2. This represents my theme in the way that it shows that people want to put both concepts and people into very black and white boxes in order to shield themselves from guilt when fighting against others. This also shows how competition divides people.